Saturday, July 4, 2009

Silhouette of the Dawn


4th July 2009 (Saturday). I went to Moongate hill with my buddy Lye again. Extremely early this time we went on the hike. It was about 6am. Along the journey I felt a bit creepy as we were the only two inside that forest trail which surrounded by darkness. No one was there as if we were in the horror movie: Silent Hill. This low vision trekking (with the assist of torchlight) took us approximately 20+ minutes to reach the lookout point.


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In fact we were there for the sunrise, thinking to shoot some nice photos. Unfortunately, the weather was a bit hazy and cloudy, and the city looks dull. No sunrise as it was blocked by the thick cloud. Anyway, we didn’t give up. No more sunrise shooting, but with the giant sunray stretched across the thick cloud, we were able to produce these awesome silhouette photos. :)

Enjoy the photos, and your comments are welcome!


  1. Moongate Hill 在那里 ? =.=

    对了 , 每次你跟你朋友拍照 ~
    都是用 tripod 放 timming 的 ?

  2. 对呀。。。不然就是找地方放咯。。。。:)

  3. 喂 , 你都没有回答我 ~
    moongate hill 在那里 ? =.=

  4. moongate hill在youth park那边。。。。。不过听说有鬼的。。

  5. 你还摸黑去 ~ o.O"
    不怕哦 ??? lol

  6. 去回来了爸爸才告诉我那边有肮脏。。。。=,=!!!

  7. 你啊 。。。
    几够力下的咯 ~~~ =.="
    凡事都要小心啦 。。。
